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文章作者:HJHL    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2013-04-24
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It is always interesting to visit another country, especially for those who have never traveled abroad. Foreign ___1___ can be educational for anyone ___2___ he is interested enough to make preparations beforehand. Learning the ___3___ of a new country would be ___4___ for the traveler, but the benefits(好处) of such an effort would become clear at once ___5___ his arrival. It may not seem ___6___ to him when he comfortably stays at home, but knowing ___7___ to order a meal or rent a room is ___8___ for the newcomer in a strange place. Without ___9___ the language, it is very difficult for the stranger to ___10___ the people of the new ___11___ and their customs. Of course, in our small world, ___12___ is often possible to ___13___ someone who understands our own language, ___14___ but this is only second-best for the traveler. To be sure, he can ___15___ places and things without the ___16___ of a language, but places and things are not the ___17___ of any country. To get the greatest benefit ___18___ a trip to another country, it is ___19___ important for the visitor to have an understanding of the ___20___.

1. A. travel               B. country                 C. language               D. people

2. A. unless               B. if                         C. although               D. so

3. A. knowledge        B. language               C. speech                  D. words

4. A. usual                B. easy                     C. difficult                D. interesting

5. A. after                 B. before                  C. for                       D. at

6. A. difficult            B. strange                 C. wonderful             D. important

7. A. why                 B. who                     C. how                     D. when

8. A. necessary          B. unimportant          C. useless                  D. funny

9. A. hearing             B. knowing               C. saving                  D. reading

10. A. recognize        B. find                      C. understand            D. believe

11. A. family            B. country                 C. city                      D. village

12. A. where             B. which                   C. that                      D. it

13. A. find                B. look for                C. select                   D. know

14. A. therefore         B. however               C. but                       D. although

15. A. look at            B. see                       C. know                   D. reach

16. A. use                 B. speaking               C. writing                 D. learning

17. A. mind              B. head                     C. heart                    D. matter

18. A. from               B. in                         C. at                         D. to

19. A. much              B. indeed                  C. also                      D. finally

20. A. language         B. position                C. size                      D. citizen


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