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文章作者:HJHL    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2013-04-24
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London’s River Thames has twenty-seven bridges. Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel towards London from the sea, is the___1___of them all.

The thing that is surprising about ___2___is that it opens in the middle. It does this to let the big ships___3___to the Pool of London. If you are___4___enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air, you will never forget it.

Tower Bridge is more than one hundred years old. It was built in the___5___. By 1850, everyone___6___that a bridge across the Thames near the Tower London which is almost a thousand years old was most necessary. But the___7___argued about the new bridge for about ___8___ thirty years. The argue lasted so long because of two problems. The new bridge must look like the Tower of London—everyone said so. It___9___not look like a modern bridge. But because of the tall ships it was___10___to have a modern design.

At last, two___11___designers had the idea of an opening bridge. And they made it look like the Tower, so everyone was___12___. It was a wonderful success. There was so much traffic on the river ___13___ the bridge opened at least twelve times a day. A hundred years ago, the River Thames was London’s ___14___road.

Today big___15___don’t come so far up the Thames. Tower Bridge opens perhaps only twice a week, ___16___the same wonderful machinery is still working. It can still lift the two___17___opening arms—each 1,000 tons—___18___ seventy meters for the ships                          to go through. And they can still open and close the ___19___in one-and-a-half minutes.

Things are changing now at Tower Bridge, but ___20___ happens in its exciting future, Tower Bridge will always mean London.

1. A. widest              B. highest                 C. newest                  D. most famous

2. A. London             B. the bridges            C. Tower Bridge        D. the river

3. A. through            B. over                     C. under                   D. below

4. A. tall                   B. glad                     C. afraid                   D. lucky

5. A. 1890                B. 1890s                   C. 1890                   D. 1890s’

6. A. agreed              B. suggested              C. told                      D. hoped

7. A. travelers           B. Londoners             C. builders                D. designers

8. A. another             B. other                    C. rest                      D. else

9. A. dare                 B. need                     C. used                     D. must

10. A. possible          B. impossible            C. necessary              D. important

11. A. clever             B. foolish                  C. careless                D. troublesome

12. A. satisfied          B. angry                   C. surprised              D. disappointed

13. A. where             B. when                    C. that                      D. which

14. A. busiest            B. richest                  C. widest                  D. best

15. A. cars                B. ships                    C. buses                    D. trucks

16. A. or                   B. but                       C. and                      D. then

17. A. long               B. heavy                   C. shining                 D. wonderful

18. A. keeping           B. leaving                 C. making                 D. saving

19. A. bridge             B. river                     C. tower                   D. ship

20. A. what               B. however               C. whatever              D. whichever


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