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文章作者:张建民    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2013-06-01
        ★★★ 【字体:



■湖南  张建民



1. —Excuse me sir, where is Room 301?

—Just a minute. I’ll have Bob _________ you to your room. (北京卷)

A. show                   B. shows                  C. to show                D. showing

2. — Did Peter fix the computer himself?

— He _________, because he doesn’t know much about computers. (安徽卷)

A. has it fixed            B. had fixed it            C. had it fixed           D. fixed it

3. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _________ in a short period. (福建卷)

A. improved              B. improving             C. to improve            D. improve


一、have + 宾语 + 不定式


1. 表示有某事要做,其中的不定式为定语。如:

She didn’t have the courage to refuse. 她没有勇气拒绝。

Birds have the instinct to learn to fly. 鸟有飞的本能。

We have every reason to think he may still be alive. 我们有充分理由认为他可能还活着。

2. 表示因为有A结果发生了B,其中的不定式为结果状语。如:

I had the luck to find him at home. 我真幸运,找他时他正在家。They had the misfortune to be hit by a violent storm. 他们不幸遇上了猛烈的风暴。

二、have + 宾语 + 动词原形


1. 表示叫(请、使、让)某人做某事。如:

He had his son clean the car. 他叫他的儿子擦车。

I’ll have the gardener plant some trees. 我要让园丁种些树。

Don’t interrupt herlet her have her say. 别打断她的话,让她把意见说出来。

2. 表示容忍或允许某人做某事(用于否定句,尤与 won’t, can’t连用)。如:

I won’t have you tell me what to do. 我不能让你对我做的 事指手划脚。

三、have + 宾语 + 现在分词


1. 表示使()某人(某事物)一直做在做某事或处于做某事的状态之中。如:

She had her audience listening attentively. 她使听众听得入神。

Within minutes he had the wholeaudiencelaughingand clapping. 没出几分钟他就让全体听众笑起来,鼓起掌来。

The film had us all sitting on the edges of our seats with excitement. 这部影片让我们大家激动不已。

2. 表示容忍或允许某人做某事(用于否定句,尤与 won’t, can’t连用)。如:

He won’t have boys arriving late. 他不允许孩子们迟到。

I won’t have you smoking at your age. 我不能让你在这个年纪就抽烟。

I hate to have my boss standing over me. 我不喜欢上司监督我。

3. 说服或命令某人做某事。如:

He had me doing all kinds of jobs for her. 他叫我为她做各种事情。

注:have difficult [problem] doing sth是英语中一个很有用的句式,其中的have表示“有”。如:

We had the greatest difficulty imaginable getting here in time. 我们为了及时赶到此地,经历了可能想见的最大的困难。


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