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文章作者:命题中心    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2013-06-13
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第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. ---What do you think of the house?

---_____________. It’s everything we’ve been looking for.

A. Perfect!                B. Good idea!            C. Not bad.                 D. so-so.

22. He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he _________it for a very long time.

A. has had.               B. had had                C. has                      D. had

23. The accident caused some _______to my car, but it’s nothing serious.

A. harm                    B. injury                   C. ruin                      D. damage

24. One can always manage to do more things, no matter ________ full one’s schedule is in life.

A. how                     B. what                    C. when                   D. where

25. _______________everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.

A. By means of         B. On behalf of          C. In search of          D. For fear of

26. At no time ________the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.

A. they actually broke                                B. do they actually break

B. did they actually break                           D. they had actually broken

27. Everything seemed to be going __________for the first two days after I moved to New York.

A. vividly                  B. generally               C. frequently             D. smoothly

28. Laura was away in Paris for over a week. When she got home, there was a pile of mail ______for her.

A. waited                  B. to wait                  C. waiting                 D. was waiting

29. To her joy, Della earned first the trust of her students and then _____of her colleagues.

A. that                      B. one                      C. ones                     D. those

30. We are confident that the environment ______by our further efforts to reduce pollution.

A. had been improved                                B. will be improved

C. is improved                                          D. was improved

31. Harry is feeling uncomfortable. He _______too much at the party last night.

A. could drink           B. should drink          C. would have drunk  D. must have drunk

32. Briggs will ________as general manager when Mitchell retires.

A. get away              B. take over              C. set off                  D. run out

33. This is by far _______ movie that I have ever seen.

A. an inspiring           B. a much inspiring    C. the most inspiring  D. the more inspiring

34. He may win the competition, ____________he is likely to get into the national team.

A. in which case        B. in that case           C. in what case         D. in whose case

35. ---I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

--- Sorry!________.

A. See you later         B. I didn’t know that  C. Hold on, please      D. I hope I didn’t bother you



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