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文章作者:HMGREEN    文章来源:高考英语网    点击数:   更新时间:2019-08-25
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Dear Bob,

Hello. I learn about you from my English teacher,                86.             

Miss Fang. I’d like to your penfriend, and get to                          87.            

know more about your country.

First, let me tell you something more about myself                        88.            

My name is Li Hua. I live in Beijing, where is the                            89.            

capital of China. I go to Hongqi Middle School.                             90.            

We study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese,               91.            

English and physics. I use to play ping-pong a lot                         92.             

in my spare time, but now I am interesting in                                 93.            

football. Do you play any ball games? What your favourite         94.            

sport? I look forward to hear from you soon.                                  95.            


Li Hua



86. learn 改为 learnedlearned 动作发生在写信之前。

87. to 后加 be becomewould like to 句型中,to为不定式符号,后面需接动词原形。

88. 去掉 more。这是第一次给笔友写信,more 在此词不达意。

89. where 改为 which。非限定性定语从句缺少主语,where 只能作状语。

90. 正确。

91. subject 改为 subjectssubject 为可数名词,要求用复数形式

92. use 改为 usedused to do sth 为一固定结构,表示过去常常做……”

93. interesting 改为 interestedbe interested in 意为……感兴趣

94. what 后面加 is。本句缺少谓语动词。

95. hear 改为 hearinglook forward to 短语中,to为介词,后加名词、或动名词作宾语。

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