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作者:admin  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2009-11-19  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin




1. Most ______ 欧洲)countries are developed ones.

2. _____ (二月)comes from march and there are often twenty-eight days in it.

3. He is ______ (满意) with the result.

4. The doctor gave the patient pills to ______ (减轻)the pain.

5. He was wearing dark glasses to _____ (保护)his eyes from the sun.

6. Their living conditions have been ______(改善) in the past few years.

7. Jane spends hours in front of the ______(镜子).

8. Well ,you have acted ______(愚蠢地)and you will pay for it.

9. She looks confident, but a _____ she is not.

10. Parents should help their children to form good _____(习惯).


1. 根据句意,欧洲做定语,应填入其形容词形式European,注意首字母要大写。

2. 答案为February,注意月份单词的首字母必须大写。

3. 分析句子结构,此处为形容词,所以可填入satisfiedcontent,均可表示“满意”。

4. 根据汉语可知应填入reduce,有因为是跟在不定式后,所以可以直接填原形。

5. 此处为动词不定式,所以填protect的原形。

6. 此句为被动语态,故应用过去分词,improved bettered均可表示改善的意思。

7. 根据汉语可知答案为mirror

8. 此处是副词作状语,用stupidlyfoolishly均可。

9. 句子的意思是:她看起来很有自信,但实际上不是。所以用actually

10. 好的习惯应该不止一个,所以用复数habits


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