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作者:何素秀  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2010-09-14  文章录入:何素秀  责任编辑:admin



■本站特约作者  何素秀  供稿


33. hide away 是什么意思?  


She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. (p.2)  



短语 hide away 的意思是“躲起来”“躲藏”。如:  

The wanted man hid away in the forest. 那受通缉的男子躲进了森林里。  

This is the story of how we know where bears hide away for their long sleep. 下面这个故事讲的就是我们如何得知熊躲到哪里大睡一场的。  

注:hide away 有时可以带有自己的宾语(如sb, sth, oneself 等)。如:  

She hid the documents away in a drawer. 她把文件藏在抽屉里。  

She’s hidden my book away somewhere. 她把我的书藏起来了。  

She hides herself away in her office all day. 她整天把自己关在办公室里。  


句中的连词 before 本义为“在……之前”,有时可将主句内容译为“在……之后”。又如:  

They must have an understanding before they go any further. 他们必须在取得谅解之后才能再继续。  

The wrecked car had to be lifted before the driver could be extricated. 必须把那辆撞毁的车子移开后才能救出司机。  


34. a series of…是什么意思?  


I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do. (p.2)  



a series of 的意思是“一系列(一连串,连续)的……”。如:  

He drew a series of lines and then put dots between. 他画了许多线,在中间打了点。  

That strike set off a series of strikes throughout the country. 那一次罢工引发了全国一系列的罢工。  

Thus began the series of incidents which changed her life. 就这样她开始经历那一连串改变她一生的事。  


a series of…用作主语时,谓语通常用单数,但在现代英语中有时也用复数。如:  

There have been a series of car accidents at the crossing. 在这个交叉路口已发生了一连串的车祸。  

A series of attacks has [have] sharpened fears of more violence. 一系列的攻击使人们更加担心会有更多的暴力。  


A series of lectures is scheduled. 一个系列演讲已安排好了。  

Two series of lectures are scheduled. 两个系列演讲已安排好了。  

This new series is beginning next week. 这个新连续剧下周开始播映。  

These new series are beginning next week. 这些新连续剧下周开始播映。  


1. set down 是什么意思?  

短语 set down 的意思是“写下”“记下”。如:  

He tried to set his ideas down. 他设法把他的想法写下来。  

Why don’t you set your ideas down on paper? 你怎么不把你的想法写在纸上呢?  

另外,set down 还可表示“(车辆或司机)停下来让(乘客)下车”。如:  

The bus stopped to set down an old lady. 公共汽车停下来让一个老太太下车。   

I’ll set you down on the corner of your street. 我在你说的那条街的拐角处停下来让你下车。  

2. as 表示“像……一样”引导的是什么从句?  

as 表示“像……一样”时,引导的是方式状语从句。又如:  

Birds have feelings as we do. 鸟儿像我们一样,它们有感情。  

Type this again as I showed you a moment ago. 把这份材料按我刚才告诉你的那样再打一遍。  



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