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I had my proposal turned down again
作者:HJD  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012-02-27  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

I had my proposal turned down again



You look upset. What’s the matter

I had my proposal ______ again. (2011江苏卷)

A. turned over         B. turned on            C. turned off            D. turned down



答案为Dturn down的意思是“拒绝”。句意为:我的提议又被拒绝了。


turned over

1. 移交(管理权、业务等)

Since the original owner was now too old to hold on to his business, he turned it over to his son. 原来的主人因年迈而不能继续从业,就转交给他儿子了。

When the company president resigned, he turned control over to his associate. 公司总裁辞职时,把管理权让给了副总裁。

2. 上交(警察等)

I turned the thief over to the police. 我把窃贼交给了警方。

3. 翻转

The car turned over three times after the crash. 撞车后,小汽车翻了3个跟斗。

4. 考虑

You’d better turn the matter over. 你最好考虑一下此事。

turn on

1. 打开

Please turn the lights on for me; its getting dark. 天黑了,请帮我打开灯。

2. 攻击;反对

The dog turned on me and bit me in the leg. 这狗向我扑来,咬了我的腿。

turn off


I can’t turn off the tap. 我无法把龙头关上。

The tap won’t turn off. 这龙头关不上。

The boy turned off the light and went to bed. 这男孩关了灯就上床睡觉了。

turn down

1. 拒不接受(采纳)

He turned down our invitation. 他拒绝了我们的邀请。

He tried to join the army but was turned down because of poor health. 他想参军,但因身体不好而被拒绝。

2. 关小(收音机等的音量)

The radio is pretty loud. Can you turn it down a little? 收音机声音太大了,能开小一点吗?


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