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作者:Greenk  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012-12-19  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



Michael was walking along the street other          1. __________

day. Then he heard someone shouting her name.         2. __________

He stopped and looking around. It was Jack               3. __________

Events who was running after him. Michael and         4. __________

Jack went the same school and then to the same          5. __________

university. So they hadn’t met each other ever            6. __________

since then. They decide to have lunch together.        7. __________

They went to the nearest restaurant and sat on the     8. __________

table near the window. Then they talked about that     9. __________

they had been done since they graduated university.    10. _________



1. other前加thethe other day意为“几天前”。

2. her改为his

3. looking改为lookedlookedstopped为并列谓语。

4. 正确。

5. went 后加 to (www.nmet168.com)

6. So 改为 But。此处意思转折。

7. decode 改为 decided。根据上下文语境,此处应用一般过去时态。

8. on 改为 atsit at the table 指坐在桌边。

9. tha t改为 whatwhat 用作动词 do 的宾语。

10. 去掉 been。从句意上看,此处应用主动语态。


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