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作者:HMW  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2014-03-08  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



1. 我在会上作了重要的关于如何学好英语的报告。

误:He gave an important talk at the meeting about how to learn English well.

析:此句由于修饰语的位置错放而引起的意思模糊。从句子结构来看,很容易让人觉得修饰语about how to learn English well像是修饰the meeting,但根据汉语句子原意,应该修饰talk.

2. 他说了上课迟到的原因,没有人相信。

He gave a reason for his being late for school, which nobody believed.

析:此句也属于修饰语的位置误放。这种错误的修改法有两种:一是使修饰语紧跟他所修饰的成分He gave a reasonwhich nobody believedfor his being late for school。二是重复被修饰的成分He gave a reason for his being late for school, a reason which nobody believed.

3. 从山上看,我们学校看起来很美。

误:Seeing from the hill, our school looks very beautiful.

析:非谓语动词seeing与句子的主语our school 不构成主动关系,而是被动的。非谓语动词的错用造成句子的不通顺。因此应该为Seen from the hill, our school looks very beautiful.这是同学们写作中最常犯的错误,应该引起高度重视。



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