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作者:HMwritin…  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2015-01-13  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin







() 主语+不及物动词

1. 他一直盼望的那封信终于来了。

2. 秘书工作到深夜,为校长准备一份长篇发言稿。

3. 生活费用上涨了百分之四十。

4. 他们停下来休息。

5. 我们一早就动身了,天黑才到家。

6. 他每天工作都很卖力。

7. 听了这个消息,她悲伤地哭了。

8. 在上学的路上,我的自行车突然出故障了。

9. 太阳从东方升起从西方落下。

10. 一切顺利。


1. The letter that he had been looking forward to finally came.

2. The secretary worked late into the night, preparing a long speech for the president.

3. The cost of living has gone up by 40%.

4. They stopped to have a rest.

5. We set off early in the morning and got home after dark.

6. He works hard every day.

7. Hearing the news, he cried sadly.

8. My bike suddenly broke down on my way home.

9. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

10. Everything is getting on well.

() 主语+及物动词+宾语

11. 他通过印刷著名作家的作品而发了财。

12. 你多久能画完那张画?

13. 售货员叱责这位被抓住的女孩的偷窃行为并将她赶了出去。

14. 去年暑假,我学习了一门如何制衣的课程。

15. 时不我待。

16. 我们应该帮助残疾人。

17. 你愿意和我一起吃午饭吗?

18. 所有报纸头版都报道了中美贸易会谈的消息。

19. 你最后一次是在何时何地见到他的?

20. 门需要喷漆。


11. He gained his wealth by printing works of famous writers.

12. How soon can you finish the drawing?

13. The salesman scolded the girl caught stealing and let her off.

14. Last summer I took a course on how to make dress.

15. Time and tide wait for nobody.

16. We should help the disabled people.

17. Would you like to have lunch with me?

18. All the leading newspaper reported the trade talks between China and the United States.

19. When and where did you last see him?

20. The door needs to be painted / painting.


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