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作者:HMGREEN  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2019-08-25  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin



              The Problem with Television

Now I can’t watch much television, but a few years ago,            86.            

I was used to watch it every nightI was often                             87.            

a little tired after a day’s work and watch TV                                88.            

demands very little effortUnfortunatethere are                       89._____

too many people among my familySome wanted                      90.            

to see the programme while others preferred                               91.______

anotherI am happy with any programme but                              92.            

the others spent a lot time arguing and there                                  93._____

was no way of settling the matter except by                                    94.______

selling the setNow someone at home reads instead              95.            



86. 去掉much。作者现在根本就不看电视了。

87. 去掉wasused to do sth. 意为过去常常做……”,而be used to doing sth 则表示习惯于做……”

88. watch 改为 watching watching在此句中作主语。

89. Unfortunate 改为 Unfortunately。此处要求用副词,作状语。

90. among 改为 in。此处my family我的家庭,因此,不用 among

91. the 改为 oneone与下一行的 another构成一个……另一个

92. am 改为was。全文都是叙述过去的事情。

93. a lot 后加ofa lot不能直接修饰名词。 

94. 正确。

95. someone 改为everyone / everybody。从全文语义来看,应为每一个人


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